What is a Health Home?
A health home is not a place. It is a set of services to provide extra support to you if you have a serious health condition and are part of KanCare. Participation in Health Home services will help things go more smoothly for you by working to manage your care needs. This can help lower your hospital and emergency room visits and improve your health and overall well-being.
Health Homes Help You:
• Devlop a plan to guide you and your doctors and other providers
• Learn about your conditions and how you can help yourself be healthier
• When you are discharged from a hospital or care facility
• Reach your health goals with the help of your family or other helpers and caregivers
• Make sure you get other services and supports you need to stay in your home
How do services work?
Health Home services are managed through your KanCare managed care organization and a health home partner. A care coordinator meets with you to help you set up a health action plan. The care coordinator stays in touch with you and the other organizations to make sure everyone understands what you need to stay as healthy as possible.
What is the impact on you?
These services will help you be as healthy as you can be. You can choose whether or not to continue participating in a health home. Being a member of a Health Home does not change your eligibility for other services, nor does it change your complaint and appeal rights.
How much does this cost?
Nothing. A Health Home is free to you.
Will this change the people you work with now?
No. You can work with the same people. The health home will just add other people to your team to help you meet your health goals.
You can still work with:
•Your KanCare health plan
• Your current Community Mental Health Center or other support providers
• Other people you work with such as doctors, nurses and mental health counselors
Are these services for you?
You can participate in a Health Home if you meet both requirements below:
• You are an active KanCare member
• You have a serious health condition like mental illness or diabetes
What will this do for you?
• Provide support to help you manage your health
•Make sure you get the right health care services at the right time to stay as healthy as possible
• Help you find and get support services in your community
How do you start?
After you get a welcome letter, your Health Home team will contact you. Work with your care coordinator to make your health action plan and get started.
For more information please contact your KanCare health plan or visit www.kancare.ks.gov

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