Services provided under the SED Wiaver are for children between 4-18 years of age who experience serious emotional disturbance and who are at risk of inpatient psychiatric treatment. SED Waiver services provide children with special intensive support so they may remain in their homes and communities. Parents and children are actively involved in planning for all services.
The SED Waiver is a federal Medicaid waiver program. Local Community Mental Health Centers provide services covered by the program. Children who meet eligibility requirements will receive a medical card and are eligible for Medicaid physical and behavioral health services.
SED Waiver Serivces Include:
• Wraparound Facilitator: A person who works with the family and their identified supports to set treatment goals and decide on services for the child and family.
•Parent Support and Training: Services designed to provide education, assistance, and other support to parents and families.
• Independent Living Skills Building: Staff supported development of the skills needed in order to live independently.
• Attendant Care: A staff person who helps the child with daily tasks.
• Professional Resource Family Care (Crisis Stabilization): Intensive support serives provided to the child outside the home in a safe environment.
• Short Term Respite Care: A service given inside or outside the home to provide caregivers and the child a break from their normal routines.