Sliding Scale Fee Policy

Elizabeth Layton Center (ELC) offers a sliding scale fee to clients who do not have insurance and are
residents of Franklin or Miami County. The sliding scale fee is based on a calculation that considers
number of household residents and total household income. It is also determined by the type of service
provided. Proof of income is required to establish a sliding scale fee for services.

ELC does not offer a sliding fee scale to clients residing outside of Franklin and Miami counties.

If a client has insurance, ELC is required to collect all co-pay amounts required by the insurance
company. These co-pay amounts are not negotiable. If the client is unable to pay their co-pay amount
in full at the time of service, ELC will work with the client to set up a payment plan.

If a client has insurance that does not include ELC as part of their network, no sliding scale fee will be
offered. The client must either pay full fee for all services or find another provider that is within their

However, if the service is not covered by insurance due to policy exclusions, regardless of network
membership status, the client may be eligible for the sliding scale fee. To qualify for the sliding scale
fee, the client must show proof that they are residents of Franklin or Miami County and provide all
necessary documentation of household income. Under this circumstance, payment amount will be
based on the same sliding scale fee used for uninsured clients.

CSS/CBS Services are eligible for a slide if client does not have KanCare/Medicaid coverage or the
client is on a spenddown as long as the above client resides in Franklin or Miami County and provides
proof of income. KanCare/Medicaid is the only plan that covers these services.

Psychological Evaluations/Assessments are not eligible for the slide.

Household Income is defined as: The combined, before-tax (gross) money received by all relatives
residing in the home who are over the age of 18. This income would include wages and salaries,
unemployment insurance, disability, child support, pensions, trust account payments, and any other
similar type of income.

A Household Member is defined as: Any person that spends at least 50% of his/her time living in the
home and is related to the head of household.